Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Long Day & Dishes

The longest day of the week -Wednesday. We work the latest on this day because the after school group starts an hour later. They are the oldest group, so I think that has something to do with it. I was so tired at the end of the day. Yet I managed to stay up until about 11:30 to do a load of laundry and take a shower. I feel like I'm so behind on everything. I have to schedule time to make a routine phone call. Because we work during all business hours, for me to make a phone call is like a special treat. This is not like calling home or whatever, but you know, the day to day business of life.

I cooked again for the mummies today. It went fine, but it wasn't as good as yesterday. I felt like an overworked housewife! While I was cooking, someone was telling me to get back to the babies, and vice versa. Then I had to clean up after everyone when they left!

It was nice to see our babies again, though. This group is the group we went on residential with. We all felt so much closer to them all. One of the wee girls started walking since last we saw her! Awww...

Then I came the five steps over to my house and had to do everyone's dishes here! It's my week for dishes, but I felt like I'd been cleaning all day! Oh well.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Sabrina :-)

On 2/28/13, this was pasted in from my old geocities blog, which is archived here.

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