Saturday, October 04, 2003

Forgotten Pay

I feel much more well rested today. I have a driving lesson at 3:00 pm. I’m excited about it, but feeling a little weary, as when I tried to transfer my awesome driving skills to the van, I landed flat on my face. Oh well, I’ll just have to keep on practicing.

Grant “forgot” to pay us on Friday and so now we have to wait until Monday for our pay. I spent my last few pounds on pizza last night. My stomach was grumbling, grumbling, and I already had to go to the cottage to borrow two pieces of bread for a sandwich at lunch time, and the “Sabrina, the animiated series” pasta shapes I heated up were disgusting. I just bought them b/c they had my name on the label :-)

I have pizza left over for lunch today, though. Maybe my roommate will drive us to the grocery store so I can buy a loaf of bread for 38 pence and a frozen pizza for 50p. That should do me until Monday.

I should be hanging out with Jay and the boys tonight watching DVDs. I’ll get to see his new place. Should be fun.

If you’ve noticed that my entries have been shorter since residential, it’s b/c I sliced my finger with a knife (on accident, just to be clear) so I’m typing with the wrong fingers, which goes very slowly, makes for lots of typos, and annoys me. Thus, I keep it to the point!

Until next time, my friends…

Sabrina :-)

On 2/28/13, this was pasted in from my old geocities blog, which is archived here.

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