Saturday, October 11, 2003

Driving the bus

I had my first driving lesson in the bus. Peter was away and he took Wee Bessie, which is the bus I had wanted to drive, so I had to drive Sunny Boo instead. Sunny Boo is newer, but it’s bigger, and it is really bumpy. I couldn’t for the life of me remember what time my lesson was today, so I was just ready by noon (the earliest we’ve had a lesson) and waited around. It was at 2:00.

Can you tell how exciting my weekends are?

The lesson went fine and I drove all around, though, I was mostly on empty roads, but empty roads mean higher speed and higher speed means less control and less control means one concentrating Sabrina. The instructor kept looking over at me asking if I was okay. I think maybe he was just projecting onto me, b/c I swore I saw him praying once!

Hope all is well with you.

Lots of love,
the bus driver :-)

On 2/28/13, this was pasted in from my old geocities page, which is archived here.

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