Well, I was pretty useless most of the day and lay in my bed, on the floor, the couch, or wherever was handy, moaning in pain. Yes, my friends, today was cramp day, and that means I was not in full working order. I was mostly lying about in the fetal position whimpering like a small child. I did manage to make it over to work for most of the day (the bit that involves actually working with the kids, not the clean up or set up or any of that business). We had a new group starting today and I really wanted to meet them all and get to know them.
Also, the burglar alarm went off again this morning, so I phoned up the company and they said, “we’ll send someone right out.” I was like, no, please don’t, b/c firstly, I want to sleep, and secondly, we’ve got new folks coming in and I’m sure we want to not have any work going on while they’re here. “Oh, but he’s in your neighborhood, and he’ll be in and out, no noise or anything, plus it’s included in your contract.” Well, what can I say, the guy wouldn’t take no for an answer. So alarm guy comes over, despite the alarm having turned off on its own. What is the first thing alarm guy does? Yes, that’s right, sets the alarm off. Oh, sure, that’s no noise at all. My chances of sleep or shower (b/c there was a strange man in my house) are completely shot by this time, so I just go over to work.
The new children were just absolutely lovely. This is like our (the volunteers’) special group b/c we’re meeting them on day one, and we’ll be here for their full year. It’ll be so interesting watching their progress. Just in the month and a half I’ve been here, I’ve seen the kids develop so much, imagine what we’ll witness within a year’s time!
Then it was back to the couch, floor, or bed and wingeing and moaning.
Oh, but then I went to the doctor. I got some more Paxil. Yippee yi yay. Oh happy days. They don’t call it Paxil here, they go by the generic name, but it’s the same thing. That appointment meant I had to miss counseling this week, but I phoned her up and I’ll just see her next Monday. This doctor thing absolutely had to get taken care of. I swear, for awhile there, I thought I was going to have to fly back to America to get my bloody medicine. But all is well, now.
Hope all is well with you.
Lots of love,
Sabrina :-)
On 2/28/13, this was pasted in from my old geocities blog, which is archived here.
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