I am feeling in a pink kind of mood today. I guess it is appropriate since it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Anyhow, it was back to work today. We basically just cleaned everything, including the buses.
My boss pissed me off today. Oh dearie me, was I livid. If you know me, you know that I am not one to keep my feelings to myself and well, this was no exception. I was not rude, but I was forthright. "I do not like your tone; I don't like what you're implying; that's not true", etc, etc. Essentially he was giving me grief b/c I didn't tell him about my anxiety at the time of application. First of all, I swore that I had, but apparently that was with the organizations I had applied to, and secondly, he didn't ask. It has not affected my job performance, and the only reason he knows is b/c I told him. I was asking about seeing a dr to get some more of my medication. He just flipped his lid. I could go into more detail, but frankly, it pisses me off to think about it and I talked about it at length with my counselor today.
Today was clean up day. We all cleaned our assigned rooms and I did the mountain of dishes that had piled up. We'll see how it goes.
My roommates are sitting here in the living room. They are watching a game show which is asking a man very hard questions. So far he has gotten 25 correct. I don't know how many they ask. Suzanne just said he's brilliant. Peter said he's not normal.
Now we've moved on to a guy who kissed his girlfriend's brother...oh British soaps...
Check out the links on the side over there. I've put some new ones on. Hope you like it!
Sabrina :-)
The Onion
Common Dreams
Northern Ireland Tourist Board
Craig's List
On 2/28/13 this was pasted in from my old geocities blog, which is archived here.
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