Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Cows, Lidl and Country Music

September 24, 2003
Okay, cows smell.  And I don’t mean with their nose; - they stink.  You know how I know?  I have 13 of them living next door. 

Today was fine.  My housemates and I went to Lidl, which is a store exactly like Aldi.  Apparently, it is a German based operation.  My German roommate, Peter, felt very much at home.  I spent £10 on food. 

I just had some “chocolate bourbon biscuits” for dinner, which are like chocolate wafer cookies with cream in the middle.  Oh, and I had the other half of my frozen pizza.  I ate the first half at lunch. 

It was a long day today, but I think I’m just too tired to write anything exciting. 

Right now Suzanne is watching country music videos on a British video show.  Weird.  I didn’t think Brits listened to country music.  Oh and the Emmys are showing right now, too. 

Come to think of it, it’s better if I don’t have anything exciting to write, b/c yesterday was a very exciting day, indeed, but that was because of all the mishaps!  I’ll not complain today.

Hope all is well with you. 

Sabrina :-)

Pasted in from archived geocities page 8/21/14

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