Friday, May 14, 2004

Weeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeee, it's Friday! I like Friday. I like Friday because it is immediately followed by Saturday. I really like Saturday. I really like Saturday because (theoretically) I don't have to work. And then there's Sunday...
You get my point.

I've no plans for the weekend other than to go to the post office (yay, rah) and maybe grocery shopping (hold on to your hats). Oh yeah and I have to go to the bank. Seriously, the fun never stops.

I'm at work downtown at the minute. I'm technically on my lunch break, so I'm technically not breaking any rules other than the technical rule that the Internet shouldn't be used for personal purposes. Technically.

I got some more details about the WorldSmart programme. I still haven't heard about the scholarship. I think a career in phone sex is on the horizon...

Until then, though, I better get back to this do gooder job I have.

Later gators,
Sabrina :-)

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