Friday, May 11, 2007

And the world keeps spinning.

Two months since Mike died.  This time, I will say it actually seems longer.  Wow, that probably sounds terrible.  It's just that life has changed so much without him here, it's hard to recognize anymore.

When he and I first started dating, we would celebrate our "anniversaries" each month.  The picture of us in September 1990 was us getting ready to go to the mall in celebration of our one month anniversary, which was the next day.   If I marked the time that way when I was with him, I think its only fair to do the same after he's gone.  I don't want him to be forgotten, and I want he and every one else to know that I will always remember him and love him no matter how long he's been gone.  I said I would love him forever and I will.

Pasted in from myspace blog 3/23/14

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