Thank you Butch, Brent, & Scott for your help in cleaning out Mike's apartment. I am so glad it's all done now. Well, at least the stuff in the apartment is out - Mike's mom still has a whole lot to go through. Anyhow, you guys are fricking awesome for carrying all that shit! Youz my boyz now. (See, I told you I'm old!)
And thanks, Butch, Scott & Jenn, for not making me feel like a totally weirdo during my mini-meltdown last night. My head hurt for hours afterwards cuz I cried so fricking hard for so long.
Anyone who lives in Schererville, guard your carpet shampooers! Someone named Mark may just come whilst your sleeping and "borrow" it. And by borrow, I mean steal. And by steal, I mean, intend to keep til I call the cops on your ass and you bring it back with your tail between your legs. So dumb.
And if your landlord's a douchebag, just stage a sit-in. Funny how things just seem to stop disappearing when someone's there to see them. Sure it was my entire weekend, but that's nothing compared to the anguish we would've gone thru had they taken whatever else they wanted and dumped the rest of Mike's shit in the dumpster.
Okay, I guess I'll go shower now since I haven't had soap in the last three days. I know, attractive, huh? Oh yeah, Butch, thanks for that pop and water on Friday! That and Aurelio's pizza got me thru the weekend ;-) Can't believe it's back to Lafayette and work tomorrow.
Wait, shower postponed again, gotta run to Mike's mom to bring some more boxes. At least the dogs like the smell of me :-)
Thanks again, seriously, I wouldn't have made it without all of you!
Copied from myspace blog 11/10/2013
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