And I'm okay with that. I think.
That's not too bad considering I've been having sex for over 20 years.
However, I can't say that I've had serious relationships with 13 men. So you know what that means?

Not many of them, mind you. Most partners have been in the confines of a relationship. Just not all of them. I'm half tempted to count just how many, but I'll refrain. I can say that the two most recent partners have been hookups. And I am definitely okay with that. Not something I want to make a habit out of, thus I've tried to recruit more long term hookups. Friends with benefits (FWB), if you will. We'll see how it works out.

Why note 13? 13 has always been an important number to me. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th. My mom didn't want me to leave the house that day! (I did.) Since my birthday is the 13th, I've always considered it a bit of a "lucky" number.
So maybe 13 is the number I will reach before meeting 'the one'. Maybe it will turn out to be my lucky number. The one that leads me to my lifelong partner. Maybe it will be just another stop in the road.
Being the age I am (36) and wanting what I do (family), my ultimate goal is a husband. A lifelong FWB, I suppose. Hoping that #14 is my permanent number and the one forever? Sure. Sounds hokey, corny, wishful, but if I could wave a magic wand and make my life what I want, I want a partner in life, not just sex. Sex is easy, life is hard.
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