Monday, June 11, 2007

Life or something like it

Only have five minutes before library puter boots me.  Yes, it's been three months since Mike died.  Yes, it seems like longer - it feels like a lifetime.  Yes, I miss him terribly and think of him most minutes out of the day.  I have stopped the relentless sobbing at night, at least most nights.

Working two jobs now.  Got a part time gig doing bookkeeping.  Going up to Hammond this weekend for Father's Day.  Got my gifts and everything.  Man am I on the ball or what?

Getting up to last century - bought a DVD player the other day.  Then found out my TV only has the cable hookup so had to buy a modulator, etc.  but did it last night and hooked it up all by myself.  Yay me.  I can listen to CDs on it and look at my photo CDs on there, too.  Yeah, you probably already knew that, but you've probably had a DVD player for ten years, unlike my broke ass self who has been living a life of poverty (albeit with a life of service) up until well, still, really.  But less service.  Funny how becoming more materialistic seems to make me feel better... Damn, am I going straight to hell now or what?  I don't think a DVD player is THAT  materialistic, but still, its kind of disconcerting to realize that a piece of machinery made me feel better, at  least for a little while.

Pasted in from myspace blog on 3/23/14

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