Thursday, March 01, 2007

Another Blind Interview

Going on job interviews lately has reminded me of going on blind dates. Bad ones. Had another one today; interview, I mean. It went well, but I'm not holding my breath. Just like dating, I am sick of being in temporary situations. I want something real, something permanent. I've been living in this new city for nearly a year now, which is really the longest time I've spent anywhere in a very long time. I started hanging pictures on the walls, with real nails and hooks - which are more permanent than the double sided tape or blue tack I had used before. I'm ready for the real thing. A real job, a real home, a real love, a real family.

I've been feeling like I want to start a family of my own. I've been going to the dr. regularly, monitoring everything and I'm ready to get my body in a place where I can healthily bring a baby into the world. I had been thinking of fostering and adopting, but just recently, I've been feeling like I want to also have a child of my own.

I suppose that doesn't make me any different from most women my age, but it is different for me. I've been craving change for so long, that permanence is a whole new concept.

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