You may have read in a previous post about my love for playing in the water. I don't think I mentioned that in the hotel on the way down to Alabama, I got to play in the hotel pool, which was fun, even though they did turn the lights out on me. The fun's gotta end sometime. Then when we got to our hotel in Alabama, they had a pool, but wouldn't you know it, it didn't open until the day after we left.
Now I'm trying to work out a deal with the local Y to allow the residents (the people I work with) go swimming for a reasonable price. There's a free water walking session next week, which I was hoping to be a "test run" for the swim deal, but now I'm not so sure. One of my colleagues said I should only bring 2-4 people since I will be the only employee going with them. There will be a lifeguard on duty, but you still need to have almost one on one staff to resident ratio when it comes to being in the water. I don't know, maybe I'll allow them to invite one or two members of their family. That may be a good idea, for those who have family and get along with them, that would help my ratio. I guess we shall see.
So, I'm not driving up to Hammond this week because there is no group (b/c of Memorial Day) and I have been going back and forth way too much. Father's Day is coming up and I know I'll want to be there for that, so I need to plan accordingly. It's hard when I go on a weekend, b/c I have to turn right back around and drive up on Tuesday to go to group. It would be ideal to have Monday and Tuesday off so that I could just stay, but I usually have activities on one of those days and I can't really stand being there for what amounts to being nearly a week at a time. Well, it's just that I would end up spending as much time there as my own place, and plus my bladder can't handle having to wait for the bathroom until someone gets out of the shower (and finishes shaving, doing their hair, etc.)! I nearly went out to the backyard to pee the last two times I was there - (like you don't have to really go when you first wake up in the morning? Hmmm?) So, traveling is something I'm trying to do a bit less of, at least between here and Hammond, and at least until my bank account is a little less anemic. Driving 100 miles each way four times a week is fine when you're getting reimbursed, not so much when it's out of your own pocket.
It's kind of like how a sandwich always tastes better when someone else makes it...mmm...sandwich...
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