Thursday, July 07, 2005

Sabrina's Travels indeed

Today I am in Indianapolis and have been able to experience a little bit of this city. I was in a building working very near to our Capitol building. I got to drive around the "circle", which kind of reminded me of Trafalgar Square in London. Speaking of which, I cried this morning when I found out what had happened, but once I got hold of Phil, I was okay. I am still a bit concerned about some people from my old work, but the office is closed tomorrow, so I won't be able to get hold of them.

Anyhow, I also ate lunch at the canal, which is just named "the canal" and thought of going on one of the paddleboats in the future.

Tomorrow morning I leave Indianapolis and go to a much smaller town of Fowler. We'll see what things I see there.

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