> Hey Sabrina
> You don't know me so i really don't expect you to believe me. But first of
> all i found out about you through a mutual "friend" and it is about that
> "friend" that i am writing to you about. That person is Jason Tracey, i am
> sure that when you next talk to him that he will probably tell you that i am
> jsut jealous cause he is not with me any more but that is not it, i jsut
> think that something needs to be done about him and i know i read about
> what he had done to you in you blog, the same thing and i am really sorry
> that you was treated that way. I guess that is something that we have in
> common. I met him as a pen pal and fell in love with him. He claimed that he
> felt the same way for me as well. He even came here (Utah) to visit me in
> January 2005. I then found out through a friend that lived there in Belfast
> that he was dating a woman named Angela. When i confronted him with it he
> denied it saying that they were only going to school together and had gone
> out for a drink to celebrate passing a test. It sounded reasonable enough
> since i knew that he had to take a exam the day that my friend saw them
> together so like a idiot i let it got. Then when he was here visiting again
> in May i found out through my monitoring program to keep track of what my
> daughter was doing on the PC i found out that he was still also with his
> "ex" girlfriend Donna. Once again i confronted him about being unfaithful (
> because we had been talkign about him moving here when he finished school
> and us getting married, kids and the whole 9 yards, i kept asking him if
> that was really what he wanted and he kept saying he knew it was with out a
> doubt that i was his soul mate and the only one that he wanted) and about
> lying to me about not being with any one else. He told me that she had
> tryied to OD when he dumped her a year and a half ago so he felt guilty and
> was just being her friend but she thought that they were more then friends.
> I told him that if that was really true then he was leading her on with it
> by calliing her "honey", "pet" and telling her that he missed her so much
> much and loved her. He told me that he would straighten it out when he got
> back home but never did. In the end i had to end up emailing her myself
> because he just kept telling me that he couldnt' get in touch with her, that
> she wouldn't answer his calls or emails while he was actually talking to
> her. We broke over that in the early part of June then around the end of
> June, during that time i lost his baby that i had gotten pregnant with in
> May. Thankfully i wasn't that far along not even quite a month but when i
> told him he acted or said that it hurt him terribly because he had wanted it
> and would have loved it so much. Then in the begining of July we decided to
> try to work things out and go on from there. Well while we were talking
> online to try to work things out i checked my email and i had this one from
> some friend of Angelas saying that she had sent him that email and thought
> that i should know what he ws being told and what he was up to. It was
> chewing him out over what he had done to Angela and some of the stuff in
> there was something only some one who had either slept with him or had been
> told by some one who had slept with him would know. The email itself is
> pretty disgusting or i would have just sent it to you. So there he was
> telling me that he hadn't slept with any one else since we had been together
> (10 months), didn't want to sleep with any one else, still wanted to marry
> me and all that. I told him that if he really wanted to work things out he
> would be honest with me and tell me exactly what happened and he kept
> telling me that he was being honest with me. Finally i told him that i KNEW
> he had slept with Angela and i am sure he slept with Donna too and if he
> would just admit it then we could have it in the open between us, work it
> out then put it in the past and move on from there. But he kept denying it
> so i told him about the email that i had got and the he had gotten the same
> one too. He asked me what email and i told him that i was sure that he
> already read it and i had gotten the same one, then told him a bit about it.
> Instead he just told me that i would never believe him and went ofline. I
> know that i sound like some jealous woman that can't get over being dumped
> for some one else but that is not why i am telling you this. I am telling
> you this because i think that us women need to stick together against these
> lying sack of shit men that just play with womens hearts and emotions like
> Jason does. Deep down i think that he is a good and loving man. But he lies,
> can't be honest at all and don't even know the meaning of the word faithful.
> I would just hate to see some one else get hurt by him like he hurt us. I
> think that maybe there has got to be some way to get him to really realize
> what he is doing is wrong, not just say that he knows it is wrong but to
> really realize it and stop. I think that some day he is really going to fall
> in love himself for real and the woman he falls for is going to do the same
> thing to him. Although i am still very hurt over what he did and yes very
> upset as well i will admit, i am still deeply in love with him and always
> will be so i dont' want him to go through this kind of pain. If you would
> like some proof that i do in fact know him and that i will be more then
> happy to send you some photos of us together.
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