When I was a teenager, I thought I knew everything. Most people are like this as teenagers. You're learning all this new information and it's all fresh in your mind, and it's stuff your parents don't know, and you actually know some of the answers on Jeopardy. You think you're the smartest person around. When you get college, you realize you don't know jack. In fact, after a year or two in college you realize that the more you learn the more you realize how little you know.
I was at that stage for quite awhile. Now I am back to the idea, not that I know everything, but that most people know very little and it's actually quite frightening. I ask my doctor questions he cannot answer. I go to workshops and correct the trainers. I think that something has hidden symbolism that is above my intelligence and find out it is really just nonsense. It is getting a bit disconcerting. I read transcripts of congressional hearings and see that important decisions are not based on facts or research, but on the personal views of those discussing the matter. Why isn't more research done on proposals before they are put into practice? Why don't think get tried in small doses before they go nationwide? I mean, if Taco Bell and Burger King can do regional tryouts for a new menu item, surely Congress can try it for major legislation.
But then again, maybe I just have no idea what I'm talking about and they really do know what they're doing... umm maybe.
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