My head hurts. From the neck up, I am just a vessel to hold mucous. I have a bit of a cold which is really just more annoying than anything else. I'm taking some drugs and getting some sleep.
So I really want to get back to Northern Ireland. I have accepted my place at University of Ulster, but I still don't know how I'm going to fund it. I tried to do a bit of research today, but my head is just not able to handle like serious or coherent thoughts at the moment. I have been watching VH1 for most of the day. Dude, how did I not know that Rebecca Romijn-Stamos and John Stamos broke up? I must watch more celebrity gossip so I can catch up on all the stuff I missed while I was holed up in the UK.
Well, now I'm making a cup of hot chocolate and Licorice is whining to go outside. He's a scaredy cat sometimes and won't go out unless someone comes with him. Aww, such a cutie.
My Dad narrowly escaped a bank robbery today. He arrived before the police, but after the robbers left. Scary. He also caught the mouse in our house today. He (the mouse) was in Licorice's bag of food when Dad found him. He let him out in the alley.
Tomorrow our garage and shed are being knocked down to make room for the new one that will be built soon. This means that poor Licaroo won't get to go out in the backyard until it's all finished. So we will all have to get off our lazy asses and take him for walks all the time.
Time for hot cocoa. Hope all is well.
Sabrina :-)
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