Thursday, July 29, 2004

I am a step closer to getting that job teaching computers and I am so nervous.  I nearly fainted when I found out I had made it to the next stage and when they asked if I would indeed make a commitment of six months.  I had just been chatting online to Jason saying how I didn’t know what I was going to do next and was online researching options for going back to Northern Ireland. 

The past few weeks have been relaxing, but the cracks in me are starting to show.  When I am here, I overly worry about each member of my family.  Today my Dad came home from work early because he didn’t feel well and I became sick with worry.  He has been going to the doctor because of high blood pressure and diabetes and just started a new medication. 

The news scares the shit out of me as well.  I mean news everywhere is sensationalistic, but I swear it is even more so here.  I’m not the only one who is running scared b/c of what the media is saying either.  One of my bravest friends was seriously fearing an oncoming thunderstorm.  It’s just madness.  We are all scared shitless all the time.  I can’t take it.  No wonder I had fucking anxiety here.

Well, kids, this is my 100th post on the Blogger site.  Woohoo!  I have more from when I did the pages myself back in the early days. 

I started this post earlier in the day, and since have grown to like the idea of another stint in the big city.  I emailed a few people about apartments and even some regarding meet ups.  We shall see what comes to fruition. 

Hope all is well.  Talk to you later gators!

Sabrina :-)

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