Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Out of the frying pan...

“Why am I even considering this?” I said aloud as I lie in bed with my face in hands. A headache turning into a migraine behind my eyes.

Teaching. Special Ed. Emotional handicap. Middle schoolers. Boys.

No wonder my head hurts.

Today I had a sub assignment at a middle/high school. I knew it was a special ed assignment, that’s the reason I took it. I wanted to see how special ed was done at other schools. Were the classes smaller? Was there an aide? Were the demands on teachers too high?

Yes. Yes. No. (At least from what I could tell)

Despite being an EH class, the day was one of my easiest ones as a teacher or a sub. Mind you there were two other teachers in the room and half the students. And it was a first day.

I knew from the moment I walked in it was an EH class. I started to panic a little when I saw the teacher’s name on the door and it was the teacher I was filling in for. She had her own classroom, not “pushing in” to other classrooms. Frick. I was hoping for an inclusion setting. Easier, another teacher in the room, one on one with student. Then I walked in and saw the other teachers. Whew.

Anyhow, long story short, the principal asked me if I’d like to sub for that class the rest of the year. There won’t be three teachers in the room, only two. Being the teacher in charge is a different ball game than the one I played today. The other teacher was said to be the new teacher for the rest of the year, so I took a back seat. Taking a front seat, the driver’s seat no less, with this group of teenage boys with anger management issues may be more than I am willing to handle.

I know I could do it, just like I did it before. But will I be happy? Will I have migraines? Will I be going out of the frying pan and into the fire?

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