Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Therapy depressed me today. The therapist pointed out my use of minimization. I try to make things seem like they're really not that bad. Like being raped at 16 and attacked again at 18 wasn't that big of a deal. That (at least the 16 year old attack) was a blessing in disguise because it changed my personality to be more empathetic and loving. That it kept me out of a volatile relationship.

I thought it was just trying to see the silver lining. Apparently, it's a thing called minimization, where you minimize trauma so that you don't have to deal with it. You think, "It wasn't really that bad." And push it down.

I actually nearly cried today in one on one therapy, which is something I haven't done with this therapist yet. I asked if it was okay or healthy for me to cry when I got home and he said absolutely. Not to deny myself my feelings. I always feel like crying is a bad thing. I get that from my family. But also because crying spells is a symptom of depression. So I talk myself out of it and try to see the good. Try to see that it wasn't so bad. It could have been worse.


No. Minimalist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Positive self talk...too of many ppl already tell us we are not good enough. Let's not tell ourselves!