Monday, November 02, 2015

Car Accident

Last week I was involved in a car accident. I was on my way to work on Wednesday morning about 7:30 a.m. I was on the expressway. I was cruising right along when seemingly out of nowhere there was a vehicle at a dead stop. I’m not sure exactly how fast I was going, but it was at least 40 mph. I remember the red bumper getting larger and larger. I came to the realization that this was indeed happening. I was going to hit this car, and I was going to hit it hard. I think I may have even recoiled instinctively in my seat, trying to get as far away from the approaching car as possible.

I see cars pulling over to the shoulder.  My car wouldn’t move. There were lights flashing everywhere in the car. I wondered if the airbag might have a delayed reaction. I realized my glasses were no longer on my face. They had flown off during the impact. I look at the front passenger seat and wonder what other things aren’t where they are supposed to be. I see a line of cars behind me.

The man in the car in front of me tells me to put my car in neutral. He pushed me to the side of the road.

I tried to call 911. There was some recording. I could not comprehend what it was saying. I was so confused. All I was prepared to do was say I had been in a car accident and give my location. This was outside my realm of understanding. I hang up and then the man who pushed me over comes to my window, and I just hand him my phone and tell him something about 911. He has his own phone, of course, and calls from it. 

He tells me that maybe my car just died out from the impact and to try and start it again. I do, and it starts, but it still won't move. 

I called Mom crying. I called Jay to pick me up. And to just help me because I can’t even think right now.  

The police showed up. Tell me to turn my car off. It was smelling funny and smoking.

Jay showed up.

Immediately after accident. Bruises expanded.
The car was towed.

I went to the emergency room. There were metal detectors. Jay has to go back and put his knife in the car. 

The pain will get worse before it gets better they tell me.

I rented a car.

When you look down at your bruises and smile wide because you know how lucky you are that's the only injury you have. And that injury from the seat belt kept you from getting far worse injuries. 

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