I don't mean to brag, but I attended a Grand Opening this weekend. I know, be jealous. A hot, new nightclub? Nope. Perhaps a museum? Not quite. See, here in Indiana, our Grand Openings have a more practical nature. The Kroger Marketplace opened up directly across the street from the old Kroger. It's a good time to be a Hoosier.
The new Kroger Marketplace has a fuel station. We have plenty of gas stations 'round these here parts, but no Kroger station. You can use your Kroger loyalty card to get a certain amount off each gallon of gas. Score! I pulled in and saw gas was only $1.67! The lowest I've seen it in probably a decade. Double Score! I worry that I won't be able to use my Kroger card at the pump because I only have the key chain card and not the full size one that you slide in and out. Well, lo and behold, you can scan your key chain card at the pump. Triple Score! Now I choose my fuel type and see that they are offering a 20 cent per gallon discount if you scan your Kroger card in honor of the Grand Opening. Grand Slam! You can put it on the board...YES! Gas for $1.47 a gallon.
Once I filled up, I made my way across the parking lot to the main event. I was thinking I would probably have to park far away, but I found a spot pretty close to the door. Sweet! Reminds me of the days of the small store. You know, like last week.

My first order of business was to buy a new wallet. Mine has been falling apart for some time now, and it really is time to put it out of its misery. The problem was that I couldn't find another one with the same kind of layout. I was having trouble finding them, so I asked a couple of friendly Kroger associates who pointed out it was in the very next aisle over and gave me a coupon for 25% off. Don't mind if I do.
I saw these tubs of cranberries and I had the strong urge recreate the scene from I Love Lucy, where they smash grapes with their feet.

I was really intrigued by this ice cream. It looked a lot like the Mickey Mouse ice cream I've been craving for years but is out of circulation. I decided to give it a try. The reality of what came out of the package was a bit of a disappointment compared to the picture. The bottom pink part came half off just from being unwrapped. Oh well. Win some, lose some. And yes, I unwrapped it in the car in the parking lot because I could not wait to get home.

They seem to have a lot of vegetarian options, which is good. Though I didn't see my run of the mill Morningstar or Boca products. I did, however, get a lecture on the unhealthiness of vegetarianism by one of the associates handing out wafer samples with dip. I asked what was in the dip, which is what started the discussion. How long have I been a vegetarian she asks? Twenty-one years. She seems taken aback. In my mind, I'm rolling my eyes. I am by no means the picture of health, far from it! but my B12 levels are perfect. And since when did I ask for the opinion of the sample person at the new Kroger?
And in that mood, I turned the corner and saw that Kroger threw up Christmas.

Woman in the parking lot as we were leaving says, "The new store is great, but it was too big, it gave me a headache." I hear ya, sistah. Good thing there is 20% off liquor for the Grand Opening. Oh, but wait, it's Sunday. We can't buy alcohol in Indiana on Sunday, because you know, Jesus. Oh, how you tease us, new Kroger!