Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Wednesday. Not typically my strongest day of the week. I got up and ate and then went back to sleep waking up at an astonishing 3:30 p.m. What is wrong with me? Surely normal people don't sleep this much, do they? I went to bed at about 10:30 last night and was probably asleep within an hour. I don't know. Maybe I was a cat in a past life.

Today I did something daring. I cut my nails as short as they can go. My fingernails are usually really long despite my not trying, and today I chopped them off. I can type a lot faster, but it does feel a bit weird and scratching is not nearly as satisfying...

Yesterday was pancake day here in the UK. Other countries and cultures celebrate this day as Mardi Gras, but no, the Brits just make pancakes. How very British.

So today starts Lent. Anyone giving anything up? A lot of people give up chocolate until Easter, but I'm afraid I would go a bit crazy without chocolate for that long.

Because I've been so lonely here in Manchester, Sue has given me some leads on where lonely foreign people go. I contacted the International Society, the Young Quakers and American expats of the Northwest. Maybe I'll make some friends through them...

I have a headache b/c I've not eaten since breakfast and I need to go home and have some soup and a tasty cheese and tomato sandwich. I have no money as usual and have to set aside the pound in change that I did have for my bus fare tomorrow. Ho hum.

I guess I'm a bit cranky and hungry at the mo, so I better go. Hey, that rhymes. I made a new photo page, so check it out!

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