Sunday, August 16, 2015

On this day

On this day last year, I found out Jason died. I actually knew it before Facebook showed me. I've been thinking about him all day. Going through my facebook memories from past years on this day, in 2010, I posted about Jay. I didn't know then that he was already gone.

"This song reminds me of Belfast - that's when I first heard it, and my bf, Jay, told me the story behind it. We were at The Globe, I was having a rare cocktail and I was happy. Weird, considering the song..."

I remember the public display of affections we showed and how that was whole new world for me. To be in a relationship, to be respected, to be adored, not ashamed of. 

He was good to me. We had fun. I'm glad I knew him. I'm glad I loved him. 

~Don't Cry Because It's Over. Smile Because It Happened~

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