But back to Wednesday. I hear the recovery time for this procedure is pretty quick. I'm hoping it's like that for me. More so what I'm worried about is what my Dr. might find. There will be biopsies taken, and I know the results for those won't be back for awhile, but my doc might see something while she's in there and that scares me.
But I'm also hopeful. I haven't been feeling well for quite awhile now, and I'm hoping that I get some answers. I'm hoping that there is an easily fixable issue that has been causing to feel horrible and gain weight and not absorb vitamins. Then once it is fixed, I will feel good, lose weight and absorb vitamins, hurrah!
Mom offered to come down this week, but I told her to stay home. She is not feeling well right now and she hates driving on the highway. It is over 150 miles from her house to my house. I appreciate the offer, but I fear I may more worried about her, than she of me! I told her only one of us has to worry about this, and I've got that covered! Also, I have a ride to and from the hospital, and Jay (American Jay) said he would stay with me until I was coherent at home.
In anticipation of this possible change in "normal", I've tried to make the most of this summer. I went to Michigan last weekend, Whihala Beach at Lake Michigan in Indiana, Hard Rock Cafe in New Buffalo, Michigan, spent time with Mom. I've had fun pool time with Jana and her baby, an awesome 4th of July weekend, great birthday evening doing wine and canvas, Colts mini camp, picnic at Fort Harrison, movies, tour de Indiana (Fort Wayne, Goshen, Nappanee, Shipshewana, Elkhart) and my high school reunion.

I have to also remember that I am fortunate I can have this procedure done. If I didn't have insurance, this wouldn't be an option. And as my Dr. explained, there could be some things that need to be treated before they develop into something much worse. I didn't just accept this procedure, I weighed the cost and benefit heavily and talked to both of my doctors at length. We all decided this was for the best and would hopefully make me feel better again.
So mostly, I'm thankful. For everything.
UPDATE: Everything went well except that I had to be intubated because I wasn't breathing well. All is good in the 'hood.
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