Saturday, August 23, 2014

Starry Night

I recently got to experience one of those things off my “bucket list”.  I have always wanted to lie down underneath the stars at night with a guy. The problem is that I live in the city, can’t see stars, and never found someone willing to just look at stars.

I met someone on eharmony who I had begun texting as well. I came across this picture on facebook with a pickup truck bed filled with blankets and pillows saying, “Is it just me, or is this the best date ever?” Star guy, as we’ll call him, has a pickup truck and when we started talking about dates, I brought up that picture. He lives in the country and he was totally up for it. I was excited!

Okay, now maybe not many women would be excited about just looking at stars out in the country, but it’s a novelty for this city girl. I should also note that by this time starry guy and I were facebook friends, and had talked and texted a great deal, so I felt safe. (I always tell someone exactly where I’m going when I meet someone, though.)

Back to the night – He lives on a lake, so we ate by the water while the sun was still up. It was so serene. When the sun started to go down, we walked across the road to an open field. He pointed out a couple of deer that were not too far away from us. Nature! I was getting a little bit nervous about the nature aspect of it all at this point, but determined not to show it. I hadn’t considered deer, raccoons, possums, whatever else there is outside, when I came up with this fantasy idea. Turns out we weren’t going to be in the truck, but he brought out an air mattress. I was thinking, “yay, this is way more comfortable”, but when he mentioned me being “city-fied” I said I didn’t really need it, we could lie with just blankets on the ground. He asked if I was sure, and I wasn’t. We went with the air mattress.

When we finally laid down and I looked up at the sky, I was in awe. It wasn’t night yet, but I could see the clouds moving, feel the air on my face and cuddle with the man next to me. Have I mentioned that I like to cuddle? He pointed out a bat flying overhead and I got a little nervous again. Nature!
Before our eyes, the sun slowly, slowly disappeared and the sky became dark. Stars began to appear. First just a few, and then they were everywhere. It was so surreal. It felt like they were so close that I could reach up and touch them. It was so overwhelming, it felt like I was in a room with the ceiling painted black with white specks painted on it. I could see nothing else. The weather was perfect. The kind that makes you not even realize there is weather. Other than the occasional breeze, I could hardly tell I was outside. I was in awe.

Talk about an aphrodisiac. Let’s just say I crossed off a few more bucket list items that night. It was the most romantic night of my life thus far. All I needed was a good man and some country stars. 

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