Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Summer 2014

I'm working at a small Christian school this summer. I have interesting tasks like making labels for the 39 books of the Old Testament, making Salvation Precious Moments coloring books and creating Happy Birthday Jesus coloring books. It's good and it seems to go nicely with my church going, women's group and Bible study.

I'm also going to school full time continuing my Masters degree. I leave school and book it to work, eating lunch while driving. Only one more week of that, though and then my classes are only on Saturdays.

Part of the course is spending time in an elementary school classroom. I am working with first graders. It is an ENL summer school. Very interesting. I spend an hour and a half a day there.

The daily homework is what is getting to me about this class. Every single night I'm reading and typing to turn something in. That's what makes an advanced degree though, n'est-ce pas?

And now it is bedtime for this Bonzo. Have to rest up to do it all again tomorrow.

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