Thursday, June 26, 2014

Class Last Week in Pictures

Spot for my lunch break on Saturday. Love fountains
Social Studies Activity Idea, make the state out of yarn, label the cities and rivers (rivers go in blue yarn)

Vanilla Wafer hamburgers. Show assembly line process. Vanilla wafers are the buns, chocolate squares the burger, dyed coconut is the lettuce, red dyed frosting is the ketchup and yellow dyed frosting is the mustard. The introduction was that Henry Ford created the assembly line and brought down the time to assemble a car from 12 hrs to 93 minutes. One group made hamburgers assembly style, the other, artisan style (one at a time). Who could make 17 the fastest? 

My parking spot one day. Finding beauty all around. 

Close up of the fountain. I was lying on the edge during lunch.

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