Monday, June 17, 2013

New... Life

I haven't been able to post because I've been extremely busy. But to sum up:

1.) I'm in a new city
2.) I have a new car
3.) I have a new career
4.) I started a new school

I am teaching 12th grade English at a high school in Indianapolis, about three hours away from where I was living. I am also gaining credit for my master's degree. This is through a program developed for people who have degrees in something other than teaching. They teach you to be a highly effective teacher, to try and close the achievement gap in high needs schools. The program is very intensive, and I am working about 60-70 hours a week right now. After a particularly challenging end to the week Friday, I went out for drinks both Friday and Saturday. Friday, my colleague drove my car home for me. Two Cheeseburger in Paradise cocktails made me a little tingly (I literally felt tingly).

It is now just past 1:00 am and I finished one of my lesson plans for tomorrow. I have to be at school at 7:30 a.m. so for now, I bid you adieu.

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