It's late and I'm annoyed. I should have (or I guess "could have" - don't want to "should" all over myself") went to bed hours ago. But I was annoyed that I didn't get enough done, so I tried to do more. Didn't get much accomplished (i.e, anything at all), so now I'm even more annoyed.
I've been doing transcription online and at first it was all peachy. Then it got a little annoying because none of the grading systems were consistent, it would just depend on who checked your work. So someone might say you need to add a line between speakers one day, then the next day, you add the line, and that person says the line doesn't belong. Still, I dealt with it. Now, no kidding, I get emails every week (or even more frequently) about the new way they are doing things. Now I'm completely lost. That's one of the things I was going to do tonight, was transcribe, and I just realized, I haven't a clue how they're doing things this week.
Another thing I do is mystery shopping. So I signed on to some of the company websites to see if there were any gigs available, and there was one in particular I wanted, but I have to watch a 30 minute training video and then pass a test in order to do it. I hate that. Just give me the frigging directions in writing like every other company. And even for a company I've already done the training for (just a few months ago), they've now updated the training so I have to take it all over again. Seriously, just put a note at the top that says, "Update: now ask for sprinkles instead" or whatever the heck it is the big update is. Seriously.
Finally, my biggest thing I've been doing lately is my shopping facebook page, and the shopping that I post about. Obviously, shopping requires money (see above), so I'm just annoyed. Mostly, though, I want to make the actual shopping website/blog, but haven't a clue where to start. I obviously have a personal blog, and I've started the shopping blog, but I want to customize it to have links at the top and everything and suddenly I've forgotten how to make a web page. I made my first web page for a college assignment in 2000 and I can't do it now? Sure it was archaic, but I did it. Then I did the personal web site in 2003, which was the precursor to this blog. Idk, I'm just old now and have a harder time figuring shit out, apparently (see above re: transcription).
The things I shop for are donation items. So, I went to two more stores today and got another car full of stuff and was annoyed that it wouldn't fit in the car properly. I looked at all the stuff in there and just wanted to scream! I've been getting rid of it pretty quickly to local charities, but now I'm left with the stuff I haven't a clue what to do with; like Snuggies.Where do I donate Snuggies? Or gift wrap cutters. Instead of using scissors, use these handy gift wrap cutters. What charity needs those? And if you're asking why I bought them in the first place, it's because they were a penny and I want to keep them out of landfills. This store throws things away. So even though I dropped off some stuff today, I still have a car full and that makes me.... wait for it...... ANNOYED!
So, I'm annoyed. Annoyed as opposed to angry or sad, so not too bad, I suppose.
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