Created as a daily update of my time volunteering in Belfast, Northern Ireland with pages from other trips to Ireland and England. Now a journal of my travels through life.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Dogs in Joplin, Missouri need help now!
All dogs/puppies in this album are available for adoptions as well as rescue; but private individuals interested in adopting should call the shelter (417-623-3642) OR email them at instead of e-mailing Lysa directly.
Unfortunately, she doesn't have time to answer so many individual e-mails about single dogs or puppies. Lysa is more than happy to work with anyone to get a dog/puppy but she is only one person and struggles with time constraints.
UPDATE from Lysa on Saturday, May 22nd: "BTW...we are now up to 826 animals for the month. We are really stuck because we have nowhere to move animals out to while pending rescue....Golden Paws is full. We have no drivers to get these dogs anywhere ourselves, and no staff to drive them. It is CRITICAL that rescues set up to get dogs out as soon as they are available, I have several dogs to vet next is just crazy. Rescues that can arrange to pick them up and vet them themselves are my number one heroes!"
Please keep in mind this is a high kill gassing shelter. A high volume of dogs/cats come in monthly (620 so far this month). 60 came in on Tuesday (May 18th). They need help as soon as possible. Please share this email with everyone you know. I know it's hard to digest that this many animals come into a shelter and so many are gassed but it is sad fact. The best way to help is to save one or more. Timing is truly of the essence in helping. Many people are upset by this method of euthanasia, which is completely understandable, but please be respectful when dealing with the shelter as the employees are very nice and want to help get as many out as possible.
Thank you for helping me network for this shelter.
Please contact Lysa Lysa Buehler ASAP at if you can help save a life. Thank you!
Some of the dogs/puppies shown here are also on the Joplin, MO website which will have further info on each one:
From: Lysa Buehler
Date: Tue, May 18, 2010 at 9:56 PM
Subject: [KCRescue] (unknown)
I am attaching photos of more dogs at the shelter in Joplin that need out ASAP. We had more than 60 animals come in today; we are over 620 animals so far this month.
We are at the "euthanizing for space" point....I just cannot get them out to rescue fast enough. You can also check out our pet list at
Please note some dogs are marked as URGENT; but realistically they are all URGENT considering how quickly dogs are coming in.
Pictures were taken and posted quicly, contact me for specifics.
Please contact me immediately if you can help any of these dogs. I have also posted some dogs still on stray time in an attempt to get interest in them while they sit at the shelter waiting.
Sadly, VERY few dogs get reclaimed. If you can pull anyone, we need to know quickly.
If you pick dogs and confirm that you will take them, I will prepare a deferred transfer contract to put on the dog so we avoid any confusion.
Dogs that are available need out NOW....boarding may be available at Golden Paws Boarding Kennel for $3/day.
To cover our costs, we ask $10 for Distemper Combo, Internasal Bordatella and deworming with Strongid. If desired, HWT testing is available for $10, Rabies is $10, Health Certificate is $10. Dogs are treated with Frontline if we see fleas. Neuter prior to transport is possible, but boarding will be required outside of the shelter.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Three years later

Tomorrow marks the three year anniversary of Mike's death. The feel of the weather outside brings me right me back to it - it's nice, mild, 50 - 60 degrees. The same air that was present when I stood outside crying, trying to come to grips with what had happened. It is said that the olfactory sense (smell) is the strongest tie to memory - I guess the weather makes the air smell and feel a certain way that can bring you right back.
It feels sort of wrong, that while I type such a serious note, I'm playing FarmVille in another window on facebook, but I suppose that's what time does - gets us a little farther away from the seriousness of something so life changing.
And facebook - not something I would have ever imagined myself having three years ago. I only had a myspace with one picture on it to view my friend's wedding pictures. It was when a friend of Mike's dad asked me to contact her on myspace with details for donating that I even started using the site. And I think facebook wasn't open to the 'public' yet - when I did sign up, I used my university email address (where I was working at the time).
But the donations - the sorrow of not having money to pay for the funeral, the drama over having his body in the morgue for so long, the heartache of cleaning out his apartment - that is certainly in the past. I learned so much from going through that. I am also proud of myself for being able to take care of the things I did. If someone were to tell me that I would have been doing those things the same day I learned of Mike's death, I wouldn't have believed them. I would have thought that I wouldn't have been able to function - perhaps I would be locked in a psych ward somewhere. But the saying is true; you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. Maybe I would've lost it if the funeral was already taken care of by someone else, if Mike wasn't still laying in the morgue - but that FORCED me to take action because I had to do it for him.
All this talk of being strong and lessons learned sounds like a well balanced, put together, person - which I am not. I still miss him horribly. I still cry sometimes. I am still struggling to get to the next step in my life. But, I am still here.
I have moved his things from his place to my place, and then to my new home. I have put most of it in those clean looking plastic storage bins and divided a lot of it up between his parents, Jenn and his friends. But, I still have so many of his things to go through. I still work on it little by little. I can't just give it all away, or tackle it all at once. I really do feel like one of those old ladies who keeps her husband's clothes for years after he's gone. Something I never really understood - but, I do now.
If you believe in reincarnation, the idea is that you keep learning and growing in each life. Even if you don't believe in that, but believe in say, karma, you believe that an experience can be caused by another experience. Some of the things that I have actively thought about and not understood (like the widow and the clothes) I have come to have personal experience with, which has MADE me empathize. I try to empathize with most things/people, but for those which I lack the empathy, I am doomed/blessed to experience for myself - to learn/grow.
As I get more into this note, I click over to Facebook less and less. The seriousness of the issue and poignancy does still affect me - maybe just in a different way.
I am trying to make the most of this life - I still struggle, but I try. At a reflection point like this, perhaps it is now time to try harder.
I love you and miss you every day, Mike!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
To see a casket in your dream, indicates that it is time to end a situation or relationship. Additionally, it symbolizes a completion of a project or lifestyle and a beginning of another. In this regards, this symbol may represent new opportunities.
To see a corpse in your dream, represents an aspect of yourself that has died. Or it may mean that you are unexpressive. You have shut yourself down and are dead inside.
To dream that you are on a campus, indicates your need to expand your thinking/knowledge and challenge yourself mentally.
To dream that you are at the funeral of an unknown person, suggests that something in your life is supposed to put to rest or put aside so that you can make room for something new. You need to investigate further what aspect or component of your life you need to let go.
To see a burial in your dream, signifies that you have gotten rid of your bad habits or freed yourself from a negative situation. You are finally letting go of something.
To dream that you are burying a living person, signifies emotional turmoil. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being buried by problems and stresses of your waking life.
In the dream, the person came back to life before the burial.
And this funeral took place on a campus, in a different country...
To dream that you are swimming, suggests that you are exploring aspects of your unconscious mind and emotions. The dream may be a sign that you are seeking some sort of emotional support. It is a common dream image for people going through therapy.
To dream that you are wearing a swimsuit, suggests that you are feeling exposed or emotionally vulnerable. Consider how you feel in the swimsuit. If you are comfortable, then it signifies a life of ease, relaxation and leisure. If you feel uncomfortable, then it represents a lack of self confidence. (uncomfortable)
To see a head in your dream, signifies wisdom, intellect, understanding and rationality. It may also represent your accomplishments, self-image, and perception of the world. The dream may also be metaphor to indicate that you are "ahead" in some situation or that you need to get ahead.
I also somehow went into the wrong part of the wrong church... b/c of this some big alarm went off. I was like, "I was just looking for *can't remember*" "Well, we don't have those/do that in this church" big hubub
To see the outside of the church in your dream, signifies sacredness and spiritual nourishment. It is representative of your value system and the things you hold sacred.
To dream that you are in a church, suggests that you are seeking for some spiritual enlightenment and guidance. You are looking to be uplifted in some way. Perhaps you have made some mistakes in the past which have set you back on your path toward your goals. With proper support, you will get on the right track again. Alternatively, it may also mean that you are questioning and debating your life path and where it is leading. You are reevaluating what you want to do.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
So, I am still working towards law school. I plan to take the LSAT in June of this year. Still have to study a lot and pay down my undergraduate loans. It's been five years since I first 'seriously' planned on law school, and it's about time I got a little bit more 'serious' about it.
I also think it is time for another trip. I have been in America for five years now and that is quite a long time for someone with my traveling heart. A few things have happened that make this more difficult as well, including having to use a cane now. I injured my knee a couple of months ago, and am still recovering. It's times like this when you wonder why you didn't do things before? When things were easier...when you didn't have such obstacles? Why didn't you jump at every opportunity?
Scrapbooking.... just popped into my head b/c Mom walked into the room and showed me a scrapbooking pin she got for me. Scrapbook stores in the area have been closing left and right. A couple of weeks ago, I went to the final of the final inventory closeout sale for the Scrapbook store near where Danielle used to live. When I started scrapbooking again after an unintended hiatus, I realized how long it had been when all of my pens and markers were dried up. This was after Mike's death, when life became complicated and hectic. Now, it seems, I do most of my 'scrapbooking' online; creating collages, blingees, etc. With this new batch of inventory, though, I hope that the scrapbooking bug bites once again and I can find some joy and solace in the craft.
There has been this commercial on TV asking, "What do you want to do before you die?" It's for some new MTV psuedo reality show. But I thought, "I have no idea". The only thing that really came to mind was going to law school. Now that I've had some more time to think, I can definitely list some places to which I would like to travel, like the Pyramids, Switzerland, Statue of Liberty.... I'd also like to learn sign language, speak French fluently.... What else? Find a cure for cancer? Well, I don't think that one is easy to fulfill. My life has been about survival for too long now. When this blog started, "Sabrina's Travels" was all about documenting all the great things I was seeing and experiencing in the world. Yes, I had a hard time after Mike's death, and I had obligations to fulfill, but I am free of that now and there is no reason for me to not live my life to the fullest. As said in that Chicken claymation movie, the only fences I face are those in my head. For some reason, those are always the hardest to break through.